Friday 6 January 2012

What I've learnt today...

.......that I seriously suck at 

Who knew that I could be so rubbish!!  But.. what a brilliant game and hopefully a great way to get fit.  It certainly blew todays cobwebs away.  I was playing against both girls who continually scored top marks whilst I was down at the bottom - I'm sure you can picture the scene: a 40 something (unfit) vs 2 x teenagers (very fit)
I can definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to boost their seratonin levels!
Looking forward to getting some sewing done tomorrow (if I can move my arms that is!!)


  1. Ha - we were introduced to the Wii in the wee sma hours of 1st Jan, best fun I've had in a long time.

  2. ha, that's gonna hurt! But boy isn't it fun! (gonna have to give this one a miss though, my teenager would leave home! .... now there's a thought!)

  3. I almost bought my niece this for Christmas. I keep kind of hoping someone will buy my mum a wii because she loves it when she gets to play on my nieces and she'd love this!

  4. sounds like great fun, hope you dont have jelly legs tomorrow!

  5. LOL! Now I'm getting a picture! Jxo

  6. haha - too funny - it's even better after a few sherberts - you really start to belieive you are 'bjorn again'!!!

  7. oh to have been a fly on the wall for that :)

  8. Hahahahaha!!! I did some working out today too but it wasn't half as fun as that looks :)


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